Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hippie Stalking for Dummies: A Guide

I'll start by defining a hippie. Now, by 'hippie', i don't mean the regular peace-loving, 'free-loving', guitar playing longhaired hippie. However, due to a serious shortage of the 'genuine article' in Kodai, it now refers to (at least in Kodai lingo) any "pretty thing" (as my friend and fellow hippie stalker, Pavi puts it) that
a) Is not Indian - and no, that is not because i am biased against Indian men, it is merely in order to give them an exotic air.
b) dresses differently, or in other words, moves away from the standard jeans and shirt that most guys seem to sport (although exceptions can be made, according to the discretion of the stalker)
c) may or may not have long hair. Dreadlocks are an added bonus - especially if they at least look clean!
Now that the target has been identified, the procedure is as follows:
1) Mark the hippie season out on your calendar, so as to be aware of their migration patterns.
2) Hang around Pastry Corner - it's an assured sighting place, from which a "pretty thing" can be selected by the stalker. An added bonus is the AMAZING food, and the generous owners, who insist that you sample their yummy fruit cake or 'cooblicious' ice cream. ('cooblicious' was coined by one of my uncles - too many of them, so i'm not sure which one it was).
3) Be Indian. With a capital I. Be prepared to bullshit about Indian culture and festivals - it's a great way to talk to the object of your drooling! Just pray that your target is not writing a book on Indian festivals and using you as a source, or else his book might end up being more uninformed than that of a colonial British historian.
4) Refrain from rude gawking and picture taking - after all, we're not trying to objectify them, now are we??


AtomicGitten said...

Most informative Madam Firestone.I find I have been doing a lot of unconcious hippie-stalking. Does that make me a natural :p

iAM said...

damn right it does!!! and i now officially induct you to an official hippie stalking group - we can call oursleves the Hippie Stalkings!!!

Jan said...

wait, wait, wait.

...c) may or may not have long hair....


(That's the shocked stare smiley)

AtomicGitten said...

Hey there's a "may not" in the statement as well. Hippie Stalking is an all inclusive art as my guru Fen'huang tells me.

Rhythmn said...

good instruction manual...

Rhythmn said...


and yeah did I say

Rhythmn said...


and yeah did I say

AtomicGitten said...

You! You're blog seems ashed rather than rising from the ashes!!Update woman!